Here is the Uncensored Message One Magician Asked Me Not to Write
If You Want to Enter the Corporate Market Without Wearing a Business Suit, Book More Gigs, Make More Money, and Have Next to Zero Competition, Then This May Be The Most Important Letter You'll Ever Read...
From: Zach Waldman
Dear Magician Friend,
I recently conducted a survey and asked magicians what problems they were facing and exactly what they wanted. Here are the results:
- Overwhelmingly, the #1 problem was not booking enough shows.
- The most wanted information was how to earn a living as a corporate magician.
- Almost all of the respondents said they have been pursuing magic for over 10 years.
In my opinion, the last bullet is the most telling. I hear from people all of the time that say they've been magicians for years. They tell me how they know it all but their biggest problem is not booking enough gigs.
Next, they start playing the blame game; It's the recession, it's the cheap magicians in town, it's the exposure on TV. They never think it's their fault.
I'm telling you this because I'm about to share something incredible with you. In just a moment, I'm going to tell you about a market magicians easily thrive in and hardly any of them ever approach.
First, let me tell you what this course is not
- It is not a marketing course. You know I think marketing is everything, but there's plenty of information out there on that subject and if you've been pursuing magic over ten years you probably already have that stuff.
- It is not full of theory and fluff. I'm going to tell you exactly what I did to enter this market with immediate success in a matter of weeks. I can be longwinded when I teach, but this is for advanced magicians with marketing experience, so this course is very concise.
- This information will not become stagnant. I will be updating the course as market trends change so you can attack with ferocity.
Now, let me tell you what this course is
- The latest information on a corporate market that's nearly recession proof.
- Specialized information you simply won't find anywhere else. Most magicians don't know about this market and the ones that do aren't spreading the word.
- Completely guaranteed or your money back, no questions asked.
So, what's this incredible market I speak of? It's performing customized magic for liquor promotions. You probably have a lot of questions, but first let me explain how I got involved in all of this.
Several years ago, I came across an ad for a report called Liquor Promotions Pay, Untapped Market, written by Tim Buche.
At this point, I already performed promotions for Absolut Spirits with great success. The gigs paid well, were fun to do, and they had a ton of incredible benefits I'll be telling you about in a moment.
I immediately purchased Tim's product hoping to learn more about this market. It was good information. It was very short, but to the point without any extra stuff to just fill pages. I respected that. I did exactly what he told me to do and I had near success right away.
Of course, no one book or report can tell you everything. Although I respected the directness of the information, as I worked in the market I learned a lot I could share with other performers.
These aren't little things, these are pieces of information that make this market bigger and better than even the magicians currently working it know.
Let me explain how I came to put this information out. I searched the Internet for the original course I bought and found that it was a limited print deal and wasn't being sold anymore.
I wanted to satisfy the magicians that took my survey and told me what they wanted. This market fits the bill.
After digging out the original report I realized it's a bit out of date and does in fact leave out a lot of information that I have. I spoke to a magician friend that knew the success I had when I worked these promotions. He said, "Are you sure you want to tell people, I mean, if you ever want to work one of those things you basically have the whole market to yourself."
Truthfully, I don't subscribe to that way of thinking. First off, I create information products for magicians based on what I've done that's made me a successful pro. I do this because I want to help my fellow magi. Second, I believe there's plenty for everybody, especially in this market. There's so much room, I'm really not worried about saturation.
I wouldn't put out this information if I didn't truly have experience in it and have something special to offer that hasn't been printed before.
With all of that out of the way, let me tell you what makes performing magic at liquor promotions awesome.
You will be working for companies with budgets. Even though you'll be performing in restaurants, nightclubs, bars, and lots of other places, don't be fooled, this is a corporate gig.
The liquor industry typically sees an increase in sales during tough economic times, so the recession actually works in your favor in this market.
Would you like to become a restaurant or bar magician? Would you like to get paid to audition for the decision maker? This market provides that opportunity.
No suit required, no stuffy atmosphere, no kids (you do however get paid as much as the average Las Vegas tradeshow magician for a lot less work for fewer hours).
Do you know it all? Do you even have the report I was talking about earlier? You still don't know at least one huge piece of information included in this course. I guarantee it, or your money back.
When most magicians think of doing corporate work they think about tradeshows, sales meetings, and hospitality suites. Performing customized magic at liquor promotions is a lot more fun (would you rather be surrounded by nerds at a computer tradeshow or gorgeous playmates at a horse track?).
Some special skills are required for this market (that's what makes this for real pros and it's what makes the whole thing more creatively rewarding).
Do you love to travel? Do you hate to travel? You can have it either way in this market.
You get to be more than a magician, you get to be a consultant for a promotional campaign. Consultants with specialized skills like combining sales, marketing, and magic get paid a lot more than mere entertainers.
When they have their holiday parties, you get to be their entertainer too (for a lot more money than any old magician would get from them).
Unlike tradeshow work, it's easy to find the decision maker (no red tape, no long chain of command to navigate through, no long waits to get paid).
Contrary to the old information, the beer market and even non-alcoholic beverages have tons of promotions you can work. A lot of these events are fun (think X-Games).
You don't have to like bars to work these events. There are so many opportunities you can call the shots and pick the companies you want to work with.
If you have any doubt that you can easily make the kind of money I'm talking about, just think about the money these companies spend on key chains alone. Trust me, they have budgets and if you offer them the pitch I give you, they'll be ready to open their wallets.
My shows and my products are always guaranteed. This is no exception. If you don't find this information to be everything you hoped, I'll refund every dime of your money.
Earn more respect as a magician. You won't be performing for children, you'll command the attention of an adult audience with money to spend on private parties.
This market is like restaurant magic on steroids. It pays three to five times as well, gets you exposure in multiple establishments, and leads to higher end private parties than working every week in some pizza place.
Many magicians on my survey said they also wanted to become more creative with their magic. This market requires that you have the ability to customize your show. If you have the knowledge to meet this challenge it's a lot of fun. It forces you to invent magic to sell their products.
Don't be intimidated. There's easy ways to customize the shows and I share these ideas with you. Within moments you'll feel confident you can pitch your ideas to any client.
There's no better compliment than repeat bookings. I'll show you how to impress your new clients so you can possibly secure a long term contract to perform for them over and over again at their promotions.
You'll become a more versatile magician. If you do want to work tradeshows, this is great training. However, like I said, this market is more fun and pays so well you may not want to leave it!
Learn to grow a crowd, entertain, and makes sales.
If you've been performing for a long time and are bored with all of the markets you've worked, this one provides a nice change with new challenges and experiences waiting for you.
This course is just the facts, quickly told. It's like getting the secret to a simple trick and then applying your knowledge to make it better and your own. I give you the information and you apply all of the years of marketing experience you have to easily start booking more gigs for more money.
What Makes this Course Different?
- No motivation, no goal setting, no irrelevant extras, just simple information so you can quickly enter the liquor promotions market easily.
- There is no other course on this market. The only report that existed is out of print, out of date, and doesn't have much of the information that I include (one thing in particular is so huge it's almost an entirely different market).
- Regular updates for the course as I learn what's going on from my secret inside source.
- No theory, these are the exact steps I took to make thousands performing liquor promotions.
- No direct mail.
- Path to least selling resistance.
- I listened and gave you exactly what you wanted. I asked and you told me you wanted to book more shows in the corporate market. This information proves again that I give you what you want.
Here are Five Good Reasons to Take My Course for a Test Drive
You can't get this information anywhere else. I tell you things about this market nobody else knows. For example, I know people that work in this industry and they tell me the latest market news. In turn, I pass this information on to my customers.
I don't waste your time. I tell you everything you need to know without any fluff. You'll be able to approach this market immediately. Normally, to start working corporate gigs requires expensive promotional materials and costly marketing. You can book these gigs with a phone call and it won't take months.
I really worked in this market so you aren't getting theory. I'll even show you sample video from my performances. I'm going to tell you a secret. Many of the products being sold are based on what the person selling the information believes should work. In other words, they figure they can just give you some marketing tactics and you'll be successful. They don't test these tactics or give you real world advice. You don't need special marketing to do these promotions. You just need to know who to contact, how to sell them, and a few other details.
I've been a member of the Society of American Magicians for over 20 years. I'm both a magician member as well as a regular performer at the world famous Magic Castle in Hollywood, CA. I've created several products and top name magicians consistently commend me for my work. I also have a long list of customers that trust me because they know I over deliver every time.
I don't do anything without a guarantee. Whether somebody hires me for a private party, a corporate event, or if they purchase a product I've created, I ALWAYS guarantee my work. If you don't find the information in this course to be unlike anything you've seen before, then I'll give you every dime of your money back. If you're still skeptical, don't bother ordering, I don't want customers that won't invest in their futures even when there's no risk.
- Dangerous economic times call for looking at new streams of income.
- This shortcut allows you to quickly become a corporate magician.
- The best way to avoid kids shows.
- The number one mistake every magician makes when trying to approach the corporate market.
- A recipe for fun, great money, and lots of creativity.
- Bullet proof advice for getting repeat bookings.
- What pro magicians never tell you about really making a living as an entertainer.
- If you're tired of the competition, burnt out on what you've been doing, and are looking for a whole new way to make money as a magician, this is for you.
- These jobs often result in booking steady gigs at restaurants and bars. Imagine getting paid to look for your next steady gig? Not only that, you'll get paid much better than any restaurant could afford.
- I know a manager in Vegas. She said the local tradeshow magicians are only charging around $1,000.00/day. Not only that, they work all day. Liquor promotions pay better and only last a couple of hours.
- Are you a close-up magician? A stage magician? Both? Perfect, because you can perform any type of magic you like!
Let Me Tell You Exactly What You Get
The name of the course is Magic Liquor Promotions, the Zero Competition Corporate Market for Entertainers.
This is a video course and is a little over an hour long. You get immediate access to the information so you can get to work right away, even if it's two in the morning.
Finally, I Want to Make a Few Things Clear
I'm not guaranteeing you'll make money.
I don't know you, your level of drive, or your ability. But I do guarantee your money back if my methods don't work for you.
This is not a get-rich-quick scheme.
Any business venture involves risk and a lot of work. Anyone who tells you different is feeding you BS.
Because I make a full-time living performing magic, doesn't mean that the average person who buys this product can or will.
It makes my stomach sick when people make outrageous guarantees and claims they can't back up. I'm an honest person and won't do that. If you can live with those three things, then this could be the exact information you're looking for.
How Much Does it Cost?
Remember how I told you I conducted a survey and that this product is a direct result of what magicians told me they wanted? One of the questions I asked is how much they'd be willing to pay for this information.
They could have chosen a price from $30-$297. A very large number of respondents said they would pay $297. That should serve as another marketing lesson for you in terms of pricing your own shows.
I've spent a lot of money buying marketing products and they've been worth every dollar. I've adapted what I've learned and applied it to getting gigs that pay me good money.
You're crazy if you think I'm going to spill my guts cheaply after investing all of the time and effort it took me to come up with this information. Folks, you get what you pay for. Many of you are wise enough to see the value I'm offering and are willing to pay $297. In the future, this information will sell for $97.00.
So, here's the deal. I'm going to tell you everything you need to know to make at least five times more money performing at liquor promotions than you make working restaurants. Be an early adopter of this course, and instead of paying $97.00, you only pay $83.00, but wait...
There's one other thing missing. I don't have a lot of testimonials for this course yet. I know you're going to find this information to be very revealing and you'll probably be excited at the prospect of making so much money in such a fun working environment.
After you purchase the course, send me a testimonial, and your price is only $57.00. I don't want you to wait to save money. I trust that you'll love this information so much, you'll be happy to send me a great review.
So, go ahead and order my product right now and you only pay $57.00. All I ask is that you send me a testimonial letter if you love it. I'm giving you the discount as an ethical bribe to try my course and give me your feedback. If you don't think the information is worth ten times what you paid, not only do you not have to write a testimonial, I'll give you a full refund.
Be warned, after I get my first thirty testimonials, the price will be $97.00, but order now and get this specialized information for $57.00.
I'm not selling you a trick, I'm giving you information about a secret market that's very profitable. This isn't theory, this is exactly what I've done to make a great living as a professional magician. Can you buy a franchise for $57.00? If you can't invest such a small amount, then you may want to consider how serious you are about doing magic for a living.
Listen, if you get just one gig in this market, you'll make back your investment many times over. If that isn't fair, I don't know what is.
Ironclad, You-Can't-Lose-Money-Back-Guarantee
Because I'm so confident you're going to love this product, I'm willing to extend an ironclad, 100%, you-can't-lose money-back guarantee: Take my product. Try it out. If you aren't 500% thrilled and more, I don't want your money. All I ask is that you actually try working one liquor promotion. Just put in a fair effort. If you aren't satisfied with the results, just drop me a note anytime within 30 days and I'll refund every dime of your money. Fair enough? The only reason I can do this is because I'm supremely confident you're going to fall in love with my system for getting restaurant work.
I Can Only Guarantee These FREE Bonuses if You Order Now
FREE Bonus One ($1,000.00 Value):
Two Hour Phone Consultation - I charge $500.00 an hour as a marketing consultant. However, you get my undivided, one on one attention, for two full hours. You can split the time up into 30 minute blocks or you can spend two hours with me at once, the choice is yours. I can critique your web site, offer advice on this market, or help with any questions you have about magic, comedy, or marketing.
FREE Bonus Two ($500.00 Value):
Marketing Materials - I will give you the exact sales letter that I currently use to book these jobs. I don't suggest you copy it, but instead learn how to sell the same benefits in your own words. Still, looking at how I pitch my services will greatly help you. Remember, this is the real stuff I use to work this market. If you hired a copywriter to create a sales letter like the I give you, it'd easily set you back $500.00.
That's $1,500.00 in Bonuses for FREE
One More Thing
If you have any doubts whatsoever about buying this product, here's what I recommend. Don't decide now if it's for you. Just get it. Try it out. Give it a whirl. You have all the time to think about it you need because I offer a 30-day, 100% money-back guarantee.
Zach Waldman

P.S. I used to charge an extra $14 for these special reports, but they're now included free as well!
Special Report 1, Wine, Beer, and Non-Alcoholic Promotions - In the original information I got, the author said to forget about the beer market and he never even mentioned wine or non-alcoholic beverages. I cover information about working these unique events.
Special Report 2, Other Untapped Markets - With a little creativity, you can find all kinds of places to perform that never even considered hiring a magician. This is great because it means you have the whole market to yourself. In this report, I tell you about a few markets I know other magicians have worked that were very profitable. Even though they worked these markets, they barely made a dent and they're all off doing different things now.
P.P.S. Remember, I can only guarantee the free bonuses if you order now. So don't delay. Click the BUY NOW button below and you can get my product immediately.

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